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The DIY Fence Company Blog

Thank you for preforming your research with us at the DIY fence company blog. With time and knowledge comes skill, but when you are looking it install your own fences, you might have questions. For this part you have found the right place. When we started out looking for DIY Fence Suppliers we found the market full of installers. For obvious reasons we struggled to find independent advice, that we could trust. There are many reasons why you should and shouldn’t install your own fence. But we believe in you! If you take your time and do your research you will be fine… But as always if you get a little lost, or need help Contact Us, we are here to help!

Its just like riding a bike !​
Info & Inspiration The DIY Fence Company Blog the diy fence company
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Why build your own fence

So why build your own fence? Well many would point straight at their bank account and smile, others will talk endlessly about their individual style, and then there is pride. Yes although it might...

Should I have my fence delivered or click and collect?

Should I have my fence delivered or click and collect? Lets face it a common question is should I have my fence delivered or click and collect? Whether to choose click and collect or pay for delivery...

Are Hamptons fences good

Are Hamptons fences good? Well let’s have a look at some of the reasons, Hamptons Fences are so good overall. A Hamptons PVC fence can be a good choice. If you are looking for a fence that...

Is it safe to buy fencing online

Is it safe to buy fencing online? Well we may be a little bias here, but we started this business doing exactly that! One of the main reasons, The DIY Fence company was established was due to the lack...

Are perforated pool fences good

Are perforated pool fences good? Well lets have a look at some of the reasons, perforated pool fences are quickly growing into one of the most popular pool products being purchased from The DIY Fence...

Are aluminium pool fences good

Are aluminium pool fences good? Well lets have a look at some of the reasons, Aluminium pool fences are growing in popularity and being purchased from The DIY Fence Company. Yes, aluminium pool...

Is PVC fence a good option?

Is PVC fence a good option? Well lets have a look at some of the reasons, PVC Fencing has become one of the most popular products being purchased from The DIY Fence Company. Durability: PVC (polyvinyl...